Panamerican Proceeding

Lend me an ear and you will hear the rants and raves of this volunteer. "Nothing is stronger than the heart of a volunteer" says Lt. Col. James H. Doolittle (parden the pun), but perhaps no one is crazier either. Why do we care so much? Herein lies a glimpse of my Pan-American experience.

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Location: Bocas Del Toro, Panama Este, Panama

The proceeding 'Panamerican' is a Master's International Student and Peace Corps Volunteer. Disclaimer: Contents are the author's viewpoints only, (need to stress only), and many may have been written on particularly poor days.

Friday, August 25, 2006

Peace Corps Development Philosophy

So one day a Panamanian was walking through the jungles of Darien and fell into a hole. Unable to climb out of the large hole, he began to yell for help. A missionary happened to be within earshot and approached the hole. ¨What seems to be the problem?¨ ¨Well, I´m stuck down here in this large hole and I can´t get out,¨ the Panamanian expressed. ¨I know what will help! The gracious love of God! Here is a bible, confess your sins and adopt the Good Lord Jesus as your Savior.¨ So the Panamanian takes the bible.

After a few days, he´s read the bible, but he´s still stuck in the hole so again he yells for help. This time, an international NGO hears his pleas. ¨What´s seems to be the problem?¨ ¨Well I´m stuck in this large hole and I can´t get out.¨ ¨I know what will help! Here´s $100, you need to buy a ladder!¨ So the Panamanian takes the $100, but since he´s in the hole, he can´t buy a ladder.

Soon the Panamanian cries for help again and this time a Peace Corps Volunteer hears his cries. ¨What seems to be the problem?¨ ¨Well, I´m stuck in this large hole and I can´t get out.¨

¨What are you doing?¨ he then asks. ¨I´m a Peace Corps Volunteer, I´m climbing down the hole so I can live with you!¨


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