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Celebrating Independence Day with presentations in the school. The kids were so shy, it was really cute. I made sure to sit in the front row and make faces at them as they were trying to remember their lines.
A typical meal. The beverage is grinded up cacao, sometimes mixed with sugar, and water. Best when served hot. On the right is boiled green bananas and a hunk of mystery later confirmed to be a part of a fish head.
The new board of directors for my Panama Verde group. Panama Verde is an environmental conservation group for youngsters 12-20ish. From left to right, Rolando (pres), José (vice), Maribel (sect), Milciado (tres), Oscár (vocal), Fabío (vocal), & their goofy instuctor Unima. Notice the hardass butterfly tattoo on my arm. No mom, it´s not permanent - in fact, the bugs already ate it.
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