The Comida Conundrum
Wednesday, 20th - One Ramen consumed
Thursday, 21st - Another Ramen
Friday, 22nd - Ate a pack of spagetti and one sauce pack
Saturday, 23rd - I go to town to try another ATM spending $.50 on a bus. Now have $4.50. Bought a Pepsi thinking the ATM would work. It didn't. To make a long story and many phone calls with my banking institution short, my magnetic strip was broken. I bought $1 worth of juice packets and remembered a fellow PCV owed me $20. I called him urgently. Returned to site, spending another $.50. Forgot I made a deal with a local teen that if she washed my clothes every week I'd pay her bus fare to school next year. One bucket of clothes = $3.00. Made another spagetti packet and one sauce. The only money I have is the $0.47 that I found at the bottom of my suitcase so I bought another spagetti packet in the local store for $.45.
Sunday, 24th - I have $0.02 and only one pack of Ramen left and don't get paid for another 4 days. I make the hour hike to meet the volunteer and collect my $20.
Monday, 25th - Bum food from houses I visited.
Tuesday, 26th - Today. I'm rich! I have $20! I'm going to pay a little bit for this computer, buy lunch at a restaurant, and enough groceries for 3 more days saving $7 for my bus ride to David on Friday where I can hopefully collect my Peace Corps salary from another ATM - if it works.